Future Events


Services/Events at SJB – 2024


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Services, Meetings and Events 2024


31st Saturday  – Bridlington Brick Fest ‘BRICKlington’

14th Saturday – Autumn Show
22nd Sunday at 10.30 am – Harvest Service (Revd. Leslie Newton)                                              25th Wednesday 9.30-11.30 am – Macmillan Coffee Morning

October                                                                                                                                   26th Saturday at 2pm – Chocolate Bingo in aid of the Organ Fund                                              27th Sunday at 10.30 am – Harvest of the Sea


Ist Friday at 10.30 am – All Saints Day Service
23rd Saturday at 10am – Christmas Fair
29th Friday – 15th December Christmas Festival                                                                         21st Saturday 9.30-12 noon – Carol Cafe

Updated 27th July 2024