Warm Space

two people making refreshments after Sunday's Morning Service

Volunteers making refreshments

A  cupful of kindness Sharing a cuppa with someone is a powerful thing. It’s not just a welcome drink, it’s also a chance to chat, to meet old friends and make new ones. And it works wonders at lifting your spirit. But with the cost of living crisis hitting many of us, enjoying a trip to a cafe is becoming a bit of a luxury.

Our Warm Spaces sessions started in October 2022 and have gone from strength to strength. They bring together our local community to enjoy a free tea or coffee with a biscuit on the side. (If you’re feeling really peckish, we can rustle up a bacon buttie or some fruit toast too). It’s a chance to get away from your four walls – and turn off the expensive heating for a while. You can have a game of dominoes, watch tv, enjoy some craft work or just have a chat.

We offer a warm welcoming and safe space every Monday from 10am-1pm for anyone wishing to enjoy having a chat over a cuppa and light refreshment.