Bridlington Christmas Tree Festival 2024

Once again, St John’s Burlington Church will play host to the Bridlington Christmas Tree Festival, which will feature a forest of twinkling trees as the community comes together to celebrate the festive season with a magical display of evergreens provided and decorated by local businesses, organisations, charities and schools.

image of Christmas Trees from 2023

A sample of some of 2023’s Christmas Trees

Doors will open for this superb event  Friday November 29th at 10.00 am more details to follow, but we already know the Mayor will open the Festival with a school choir entertaining those attending, refreshments will be available in Café 1884

One of the knitters, Avril Prchlik, said: Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a few Robins bobbin about – and we’ve hidden 10 of them around the church for visitors to find. Those who do will get a little something for their efforts, however the real prize is the fun in searching for and discovering all of them”. The treasure hunt’s flock of knitted Robins, have Three ladies with knitted Robins for the Christmas Tree Festivalmade by members of Sewerby WI, the group, actually organising the event.

But a stunning display of trees won’t be the only attraction. There will also be a treasure hunt around the church to find a flock of knitted Robins, made by members of Sewerby WI, the group, actually organising the event.

Of course, no festival would be complete without music. So each weekend, local artists will be performing throughout the day. Sewerby WI’s

Sue Schietaert, another Sewerby WI member, has brought together an eclectic line-up: “Naturally the church’s beautiful 130 year old organ will be in action playing a range of music from carols to show tunes. There’ll also be singers, guitarists, a violinist and school choirs – something for everyone, because everyone is welcome.”

 But the good times don’t end there. There’ll also be a tombola, a WI craft stall of handmade gift ideas and, of course, a selection of seasonal refreshments in the church hall.

For those wishing to take part in the 2024 event, by contributing a decorated Christmas Tree to represent your business or group, the details and application form are available to download using the links below

 2024 Festival letter